Thursday 16 June 2011

Natural Treatment of Baby Eczema - Fewer Bath Products and Better Nutrition May Be the Answer

Baby Eczema treatments can be quite difficult to come by, and it seems that all most doctors want to do is prescribe medication to prevent the symptoms of Eczema, instead of looking into the root cause of the problem. Check out these tips to do exactly that.


Baby Eczema treatment guides will often suggest that you bathe baby at least once a day, twice if at all possible. The water should be around 85 degrees, as anything warmer than this can have the opposite effect on the Eczema. Be sure to use just a mild unscented soap to clean baby-it's important that it's unscented as scientists have found that Eczema does not get on well with perfuming agents.


Another baby eczema treatment that you can easily implement yourself is moisturizing. The more moisture in the skin, the less likely it is to itch. The itching part of things is usually what makes the Eczema worse, as it will cause baby discomfort and this discomfort will lead to scratching will lead to further discomfort and so on and so forth. Apply moisturiser to baby straight after bathing, and to dry baby pat him or her down very gently with a VERY soft cloth. It's best to leave the skin slightly damp, as the moisturizer can then lock some of this dampness into the skin. As before, it's important to use an unscented moisturizer.


Many people don't take bedding and clothing into account as a factor in the Eczema of their child. Baby Eczema treatments suggest that you should ensure that all bedding is 100% cotton, and laundered frequently to ensure that it's kept clean and free of bacteria. Any bacteria at all may irritate baby's skin, so this is very important. Also, make sure the detergent used in the laundry is mild and scent free. In addition to this, try and make sure that your own clothing is free from wool or any similar fabrics which may irritate baby's skin should it come into contact.


The food side of things can be especially hard to maintain with an infant, but generally speaking baby will be better off if you keep the acidic foods to a minimum. Links between acidic foods and Eczema skin conditions have been found by scientists. This is not only a baby eczema treatment; it has also proved highly effective for adults and sufferers of all ages.

Eczema can be a real burden on any family, no matter the age of the sufferer. With these baby eczema treatments hopefully you can see that the battle with Eczema is a battle you can win, and having an infant with Eczema is not necessarily a lifelong condition. Please visit the links below for more information on curing Eczema permanently.

About an year ago my bigger child showed symptoms of eczema on his hands and his face. Later that year my other baby get them too. I was shocked. I never thought that it can happen to my own children. I started searching for some kind of remedy or treatment to get rid of this disease. I found that there are few sites on the Internet that give some advice on natural eczema treatment and I tried some of their advices. eczema shampoo, eczema ointment, eczema shampoo

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